
Our Newest Team Leader

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The world at JOHNHOUSHMAND was just made even better by the wonderful addition to our team of Shari Lebowitz. Shari has come aboard as our General Manager and the changes are already happening in terms of new systems, better organization, a pleasant facelift to the showroom, and smoother operations in our production process.


Shari has had her own interior design business for 15 years, as well as a serious stint in the world of business management. On top of that she has a great spirit and amazing demeanor. She is a true team builder, a design expert, and a savvy businesswoman.

At the top of Shari’s priorities are streamlining our processes and opening up the showroom to more visits and interaction with architects, designers, and clients. With Shari’s vision we will make the JOHNHOUSHMAND team more dynamic and capable of handling our increasing amount of work and commissions from all over the globe, both art-as-furniture as well as architectural commissions

Expect to see more great changes in the future, watch our website, and look forward to emails with exciting new visions.

Good, better, best, never let it rest….