
MIDNIGHT Installation at Union Square

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The JOHNHOUSHMAND team was up late this weekend installing the Abraham-May Architects‘ innovative architectural structure “LOG”.

As we described in the last post, “LOG” is a re-imagining of the traditional Jewish Sukkah for the international architecture and design competition Sukkah City 2010, now on view at Union Square Park, NYC.

We arrived in the middle of Saturday night, amid eleven other construction teams eager to put up a truly dazzling display of vision and acumen. It took 20 men, a 3 ton crane, a good amount of klieg lighting, and about 6 hours of intense labor to put together this deceptively complex fabrication. The mood was palpably one of excitement, as you can see from our home-made video below:

A soon as the sun rose, the park was swarmed with crowds eager to view this hand-picked selection of architecturally abstract naturalism.

If you haven’t already stopped by, we encourage you to do so, as this showcase is ONLY on view until this evening – Monday, September 20th (when we get the pleasure of taking it all back down again).

VOTE for your favorite Sukkah HERE.  The winning design will be on view for one week, through September 29th.