Organic Ice Sculpture – Hobart, NY

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Our blog usually chronicles the stream of new designs coming out of our amazing, upstate craft facility – the abundance of which doesn’t leave us much time to give our readers a look into some of our side projects. The “World of JOHNHOUSHMAND” is much more expansive than just furniture and interior design … a lot of it is artistic experimentation for artistic experimentation sake, and our “lab” is Scotch Valley Ranch.

This winter John’s pond, which features a propulsion water fountain, and a mobile, floating dock with a bed on-board went Andy Goldsworthy and transformed an overgrown bush into a site-specific sculpture. The water being propelled from the pond was arranged to cover the tree, which in the cold winter months freezes from the bottom up creating a dome-like, goliath of ice. The sculpture melts and freezes in accordance with the weather, beautiful in all its permutations.

Ice Sculpture

Take a look for yourself and more to come!

Ice Sculpture

Written by jhadmin · · Uncategorized · ,
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