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The List Collective

Our friends Bob and Cortney Novogratz are masters in the art of home and interior design.  With two hit shows under their belts, 9 by Design and Home by Novogratz, these NYC residents sure do know their stuff.

Who better to go to than this power couple for a favorites list of New York City?  The List Collective recently featured the duo and their personal list of favorites for “discovering NYC”.

Bob and Cortney Novogratz on the List Collective

From Brooklyn based Flavor Paper to Arturo’s Pizza to the Crosby Street Hotel just a few blocks from us, they’ve really got New York covered.  We’re proud to say that JOHNHOUSHMAND is highlighted as one of the Novogratz’ favorite thirteen picks in New York.

JOHNHOUSHMAND part of the Novogratz' Favorites List

Check out the rest of their list and others at the List Collective.

Written by jhadmin · · Features, Furniture Designs, Uncategorized · , ,
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