
“A Brick That Holds Beer”

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One of our fellow eco-enthusiasts alerted us about a great idea in eco-friendly building materials:  glass bottles!  We came across this breathtaking million glass bottle temple in Surin province, Thailand called Wat Lan Khuat which has been built entirely out of empty Heineken and Chang beer bottles (Heineken giving the green color, Chang the brown) and concrete.  Mr. Heineken himself wanted to develop bottles shaped like bricks to aid in this usage (pictured above right) back in the day but gave up on the venture.  Others though have taken this inspiration and created beautiful, bright and eco-friendly bottle walls all over the world.

Playing With Marbles

· Asides, How to Talk Like John, Uncategorized · ,

Every so often I get a hankering to bring in some new materials to work with and when it’s stone, there’s nothing quite like marble… Man has been using marble since the day he figured out how to cut and shape rock to do his bidding. I had some ideas on how it could do mine.

So you would think that The World’s Largest Marble Quarry would be in Italy (I’ve been to Carrara and Pietrasanta…. Driving up the coast road I thought that was snow in them thar hills until….) or in some other far flung place.

But it turns out it’s a bit more than two hours from the ranch in nearby Danby, Vermont. I had to go there and see for myself. It helped that a project in Singapore for the W Hotel chain wanted some boulders with polished faces.

JOHNHOUSHMAND - Marble They just don’t allow you in the quarry to kick some stones, especially if you’re looking to buy a few small boulders. But a few calls to the owner of the company (who became a fan of our work) and a bit of expansive discussion, and I got an invite, a tour, and a chance to pick out some large chunks.

I wandered up and down the quarry roads, peeking around piles of blocks, scree, and precariously balanced 20 ton hunks of scrap, looking for the perfect shape. This was a dream unlike any I’ve had. I have toured the Italian stoneyards, been to Crab Orchard Tennessee with Vicente Wolf, and selected limestone in Oaxaca for Edgar Bronfman’s bathroom… but this was a mother lode, literally. We need to know more, see more, understand more. Mike the quarry manager, who was one of the most genuine humans I’ve ever met jumped me into his pickup, we veered around the John Deere block loader (capacity 80,000 pounds) and headed underground into 40 acres of subterranean stone cutting operations.


There are quarries up and down the hills, and then there is the cave, manmade, hollowed out over a century of excavating, and with miles of roads, “rooms”, trucks, pools of wastewater reclamation, mountains of scrap and slabs, and spray painted signs reminding one of “EXIT,” in case you needed to get some air. 45 degrees year round.

Visions of marble blocks, slabs, boulders, sculptures last night. All night. Going back. ASAP. Have a plan….